Oslo, Norway –
Ademilson Batista da Silva (AKA Adhemas Batista) is a brazilian art director / illustrator based in California. He was born in Sao Paulo Brazil and is married with two children.
This piece is a 70 meter installation in the Oslo subway system that he was commissioned to design. It was created as a cover for construction. Commuters reacted enthusiastically to this colorful and imaginative work of art.
Learn more about this artist’s work here.
vq says
That’s really beautiful. Any chance we could get a translation of the text? I’d just like to see if the text on the piece coordinates with the style the artist threw down.
vector-ious says
The only thing covering the walls of my subway is a light coating of urine.
This is a much better option.
Very nice to look at.
point-n-click says
I’m really digging this style.
The world could use more color like this.
I would love to do a project of this size. In fact – what artist wouldn’t?
Great achievement.