Another treat brought to our attention by our friends at NOTCOT. Eliza Frye has decided to make a book of 9 short stories she has created and depending on your pledge amount you are in for a number of treats.
“Regalia is a collection of nine short stories, my best personal work from the past four years. Some of the stories have been previously published and some are brand new. They are all love letters:
“The Lady’s Murder” – a mystery unraveling the untimely death of the infamous Miss Marie Madeleine (Eisner nominated)
“Horse and Rider” – a surreal Western love tale at the Cinderella Motel
“Lucky House” – a father, a daughter, a snake, and a white tiger
“I Can See Your Underpants” – featuring ladies unmentionables and inappropriate breakfasting
“Footsteps” – a story about edges of all variety
“Regalia” – you wouldn’t want a 900 year-old fox on your back porch either
“Paul” – a journey off the edge of a cliff
“Gods:Monsters” – originally published in the Peaches & Cream edition of Flaunt magazine
“Eternity” – originally published by me at Kinkos using a copy card I, um, found in the parking lot”
“The finished book will be about 200 pages long in full color. Each one will be hand stamped and come with a hand screen printed bookplate. I decided to print in China because its about 50% cheaper than anywhere else, though it will take roughly three months for the books to arrive. My production budget comes out to about $6000 total. Thats covering printing, shipping, and an ISBN and bar code for 2000 books. I’m aiming for a charming softcover volume, but of course if things go fantastically well I’ll make the book as beautiful and brilliant and hardbound as it can be.
Most of the stories are on my website:“
About the Artist:
“My name is Eliza Frye and I make comics. I approach my work the same way I approach my love letters. My stories have been featured in literary magazines and anthologies in the United States and Europe, and my short story “The Lady’s Murder” was nominated for a 2009 Eisner Award. I studied Character Animation at California Institute of the Arts and have a BA in Japanese Literature from UCLA. I use that degree every day. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, dancing, and earl grey, hot.”
Loved the video promotion and she is very close to reaching her goal! Support Eliza here.
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