Some believe that they are reason for the colony collapse of millions of bees world wide. Others believe that brain cancers are also on the rise because of their place in our world. Who’s to say?
But one thing is for sure, whenever I sit next to a 14 year girl talking to her boyfriend on her iPhone, I want to shoot myself. Whatever happened to good old fashioned land lines?
Check the stats on this enlightening infographic. Then leave a message after the BEEEEEP.
Via: onlineitdegree
Top 10 iPhone apps of 2010
Check out this list of the best iPhone apps for the year. You might be surprised at just what made the cut. Here.
Via Huffington Post
Not sure that I agree with all of these. Do you have a favourite? Tell us about it below:
VIDEO – Really: Windows Phone Ad
Thanks to DjLonewolf for scraping this one up for us. The two of us have argued back and forth over the years about Mac vs. PC. But one thing that we both agree on is that we must all try to pry ourselves away from the phone.
Apple went strong with their campaign to pull consumers in. While Windows is going the opposite way. I swore on the last hair on Steve Jobs head that I would never say this but: “I think that they are onto something”.
(Forgive me your eminence)
(VIDEO) Vector Interfacing from the future – TAT Technologies
– Israel
Wanna take a step into my time machine boys and girls? This little gem from Dj Lonewolf of (Disc12 fame) really got me off to a great start today.
TAT Technologies gives us a peek into some stunning user interface concepts for the year 2014. Sure, it’s not jet packs and transporter pads, but it’s a start. And not as far away as we may think. Enjoy:
Vector mobile phone
As high-tech a chap as I am, I draw the line at my cell phone. Although I am fully aware that the mobile is the pc of the future – I don’t care. I have seen my best friend’s cell phone bill break 4 digits. That’s not going to be me. I’m fighting the future as long as possible.
I have an old school mobile. Not exactly one of those bricks from the eighties, but close enough. It has no call waiting or call display. I don’t download music or wallpapers, and I’ve never sent a text in my life. But it dials numbers and I have a fixed rate of $39 a month to use it.
It’s a matter of time before I cave and buy something flashy. But until then, I am more than pleased with my outdated little buddy.
Toronto, Canada –
Rogers Wireless put on a free concert in Toronto at the corner of Portland and Queen St. West on a beautiful sunny August afternoon. The event was put together by our good friends at The Hive. It was a refreshing break from the regular work week activities of the city, and attracted hundreds of young music lovers just by word of mouth and these posters spread across the city.
The price of admission was an old record album, tape or 8 track. Then they piled them all into a dumpster and exploded them to the delight of screaming 18 year olds. I wept silently.
In addition to free food and drinks, Rogers also provided some incredible entertainment in the form of indie rock band Mobile . They did a fantastic job rocking the crowd and Rogers sold a few cell phones. But in the end, isn’t that what it’s all about?