Why not take a stroll the the walk in closets of Moxy Creative today. It seems that have managed to capture the essence of some of the greatest music legends, with merely a pair of slacks some sequins and the odd pair of high heel boots.
Vector simplicity meets pop-culture style observe:
[Read more…] about ENSAMBLE – Moxy Creative
(Video) OscilloScoop – iPad music app
Interface design has been pushed to new places. And certainly the iPad platform has challenged designers to approach the way we interact with technology in exciting new ways. Watch this:
OscilloScoop is a perfect example of an application that starts over. It’s a music program that allows anyone to create soundscapes with through touch and experimentation. It’s stunning to look at at just downright fun to play around with. You may not uncover your inner musician, but you will enjoy “fooling around” with this magnificent app.
Read more about it here.
Source: creativeapplications
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later
Vector Video: Apache for Danger Beach
Adorable music video that should not be missed. I am completely mesmerized by the pace of the art and the soundtrack in perfect union.
You can read more about the thinking behind this little masterpiece at motionographer.
[Read more…] about Vector Video: Apache for Danger Beach
Vector Animation – Sound Waves (video)
A dynamic journey of sound visualized dimensionally by motion artist Organic.
[Read more…] about Vector Animation – Sound Waves (video)
DJ Vector pack
"Shop Vac" by Jonathan Coulton (Video)
Jonathan Coulton has created a song that captures suburban life. The video is a creative blend of typography and vector illustrations animated to match the music. Enjoy: