How to create a quasi-realistic leather patch logo complete with buttons and stitching. Check out this step by step walk through.
Via: Layers > Noupe
vector tutorial
Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Wood Grain Texture
Wood texture can be challenging. This terrific Adobe Illustrator tutorial spells it out in a way that only the good people at Vectips can do.
Check it out.
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Pathfinder Palette Tutorial
By Harry Hamernik
Harry has a great teaching style. It’s obvious here.
As someone who loves Adobe Illustrator myself, it’s nice to find someone who has a strong understanding of the application.
This video is a perfect example of Harry’s ability to take the mystery out of one of my favourite palettes: The Pathfinder.
Check it out:
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Pathfinder Palette tutorial
by Harry Hamernik
This video teaches you the basics of the pathfinder palette in Adobe Illustrator CS4. harry has a great way of explaining how to bend this helpful tool to your will. Pay attention. It’s worth it.
Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Gradients and Transparencies
Harry Hamernik has created this tutorial that explains how to create illustrator graidents and transparencies. I hope that you find it useful. Harry has a great way of explaining Adobe Illustrator‘s abilities in a way that is very easy to grasp.
The difference between raster and vector images (VIDEO)
Some of you are still a bit confused about the difference between raster images and vector images. You can read more about vector art here. has put out a video that breaks it down for you. They offer great services. Check them out.